Huwebes, Abril 25, 2013

Photoshop Projects

               From argel font combining some of my friends teaching and internet tutorial. Still not as beautiful as it should be but I think this should pass. This Angel word in an argel font is very amazing and with its cool texture it and layer bending combination it made a nice metallic effect. The tutorial of this is from this site:

             Pink with black stripes looks like a strawberry and a chocolate flavor style of my name. Using an Anja Elaine font to create this exciting mouthwatering style of  my name is just so awesome. The tuorial site is from:

         From the start of this project helps me understand more about Photoshop and the limitless power of Photoshop. I understand layer bending much better now and some of its tricks. I can make my own pattern, upload new fonts, gradient design and even new shapes and brushes.

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